Friday, November 22, 2013


Welcome to Christian Creater.  We seek to draw closer to and learn more about God, the ultimate Creator who created the whole universe from nothing, and we are rejuvenated by time spent using the creativity He designed in us.  At the time of this writing, this is a solo endeavor, but I pray that others will feel led to journey with me as we strive:
  • first and foremost, to make time each day to read and study God's word, pray, and listen for that still, small voice;
  • second, to set aside 15, 20, even 30 minutes most every day for the purpose of creating:  a scrapbook page, a card, a poem, several pages of a novel, a musical composition...whatever form creativity takes for each of us individually; and
  • third, to use consistency in the first two goals as a springboard to greater peace and productivity in other areas of our lives that we feel have slipped into chaos, clutter, and disorganization in recent days.
In my own life, health issues over the past four years have impacted my consistency with respect to my personal devotions.  For a Christian, this is a vital aspect of daily life.  Now, I firmly believe that God's grace can sustain us through difficult times even when we fail to follow through on this -- I probably would not be here were that not true.  BUT we are much better off if we consistently have that time in His word and in prayer.  That close communion gives us peace and comfort for the journey, insight into how better to relate to our spouses and children, greater creativity in solving difficult problems, and true joy.  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not into thine own understanding.  In all thy ways...and He shall direct thy paths.  Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all the rest shall be added unto you.  

My health issues also have seriously hampered my homekeeping abilities and my success in delegating tasks to my four children.  Not everywhere I look, but certainly in more places than I would like in our home, clutter and dust have set up shop.  But something happened when I participated in a crafter's "organization challenge" earlier this year.  Similar to that first success professional organizers like Julie Morgenstern relate from their own histories, once I organized my scrapbooking paper hanging-file box according to the prescribed directions, I felt a sense of accomplishment that I had not had in a long while.  I am now determined to continue until our home is a haven of quality family time, peace and rest.

I felt led to start this blog in order to seek companionship and accountability along the way.  While I definitely have ideas that I hope will facilitate the "Christian Creater" process for all of us, I enthusiastically welcome feedback and suggestions.

God bless,