I have decided I really need a "desk day": a day to clean off all the horizontal surfaces I use as workspaces. I was about to say I decided I needed a "desk day" today, but that would be incorrect. I actually decided it this past Friday, and did manage to get my scrapbooking desk cleaned by bedtime Friday night, but didn't get to my (1) computer table, (2) homeschooling desk, and (3) two bins of paper clutter that landed on the dining room table, that I did not have enough time to properly sort before having friends over last month.
So, since it is cold most everywhere in the U.S. of A. today, please join me in declaring today "Desk Day". If you do not need a desk day, GOOD FOR YOU!! Pat yourself on the back for having already tackled your desk/s (or for not letting your desk/s get out of control in the first place) and spend some time crafting.
God bless and keep creating,