Thursday, December 12, 2013

Building Bigger "Barns"

And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness:  for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
                                                        ~ Luke 12:15

Now, the man in Luke 12 was building bigger barns, not adding cubes and shelving to his craft space LOL, but hopefully we all still get the message.  Too often, even Christians get caught up in buying more-more-more!, then having to organize and store more-more-more!  I have been guilty of this myself lately -- buying some loose sheets of scrapbooking paper and TWO!  WHOLE!  PAPER PACKS!!! when my 12" x 12" hanging file box is already chock-full of paper.  We need to catch ourselves doing it, possibly purge from the stores of goods we already have, and "hold the line" on how much we are buying.

I'm not trying to keep us from having fun pursuing our crafting.  I'm just saying we have to discern what our motivation is for thinking about purchasing something new.  Do we really need it?  Or do we just want it?  By spending, are we trying to fill a void in our lives that only God can fill?

May our lives be abundant in the right "things", which aren't things.


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